

February: Readings in Lock Haven, PA. Food for Thought series at the Ross Library and Lock Haven University as part of their Pennsylvania Authors Reading Series.


September: The Reformation reviewed in Literary Mama. “Radical Compromise as Redress.

April 10: Book signing at the American Poetry Review’s booth at AWP in Minneapolis.

April 4: Reading with fellow Penn State MFA graduate, Rachel Mennies, at the First Book Festival at Penn State University.

January 15: Marjorie Maddox Reviews The Reformation for WPSU’s BookMark.


October 20: Article in Penn State’s student newspaper, The Daily Collegian

October 18: Book Launch at Webster’s Bookstore in State College, PA

August 25: Interview on blog MFA Day Job: “Poetry and PowerPoint,”

July 15: Interview and poems published in Tupelo Quarterly 4Read the interview and poems here.

February: “Death in Midsummer” published in The Cincinnati Review 10.2.

January 10: The Reformation awarded the American Poetry Review/Honickman First Book Prize, chosen by Stephen Dunn.


October: Two poems (“My Father’s Fastball” and “In Drought, In Rain”) published in Nimrod 35.

May: Semi-finalist for Nimrod Literary Awards, The Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry.

February: The Reformation named a finalist for the 2012 Philip Levine Prize, judged by Cornelius Eady.


The Reformation named a semi-finalist for the 2011 Philip Levine Prize, judged by Denise Duhamel.


The Reformation named a finalist for BOA Editions’ 11th Annual A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize, judged by Cornelius Eady.